Critical Cases
68 yrs old male suffering from base tongue carcinoma of left side.patient was radiated before 4 months with weekly cis was partially responded .Pet ct shows tumour confined to left base tongue reaching up to epiglottis .left modified neck dissection with wide excision of left base tongue growth with reconstruction with left PM flape done.
37 years old male suffering from post cricoid carcinoma.growth involving ant and lateral pharyngeal wall.patient has difficulty in deglutition.Laryngectomy with pharyngectomy with pectoralis patch pharyngoplasty done
37 years old male suffering from lower lower Gb sulcus carcinoma involving chin skin and inner lingual surface of Gb sulcus.CT shows outer chin skin involvement .left modified neck dissection with left latero central arch mandibulectomy with PM flape done .
67 years old male suffering from right lower GB sulcus carcinoma extending to left side involving gingival surface of mandible.patient was given 2 cycles of neo adjuvant chemo having partial metabolic response .Pet ct shows lesion confined to lower Gb sulcus with skin involvement .Right modified neck dissection with central arch mandibulectomy with wide excision of cheek skin with floor mouth growth excision with bilobe PM flape done.
37 years old male suffering from right buccal mucosa growth involving outer cheek skin.Upper and lower GB sulcus we are spared.Right modified neck dissection with right buccal mucosa growth excision with right lower alveolectomy with bilobe pm flape done
57 years old male suffering from buccal mucosa carcinoma reaching up to external cheek skin and involving upper Gb sulcus.CT scan shows no bony involvement.Right modified neck dissection with right lower partial maxillectomy with wide excision of right buccal mucosa growth with right PM flape done
37 years old male suffering from left level 3 neck node mass.patient was operated for left tongue carcinoma before 4 months .patient was radiated.Now patient has recurrent neck mass.Wide excision with cover of defect was done with left Pam flape.
68 years old female suffering from right breast lump .pt has strong positive h/o family breast cancer.All investigations for distant metastasis are normal.right modified MRM done.
52 years old male suffering from left buccal mucosa carcinoma with complete trismus.ct scan shows growth involving RMT and mandible.
Left level 1 big metastatic node.left modified neck dissection with left hemimandibulectomy with left PM flape done
52 years old male suffering from advance left buccal mucosa carcinoma involving mandible and upper alveolus extending to outer cheek skin.patient has extensive bilateral tuberculosis and treated with AKT for 6 months.patient has 60 % lung function capacity.Left modified neck dissection with left hemimandibulectomy with left upper alveolectomy with wide excision of left buccal mucosa growth with outer cheek skin with reconstruction by bilobe PM flape done
52 years old male suffering from right palatal carcinoma not involving infra orbital flape.
CT scan shows palatal growth involving soft palate with few subcentimezer nodes.Right level
1 to 4 neck dissection with right subtotal maxillectomy with right temporalis flape was